Friday, September 6, 2013

Is there such a thing as being overly cautious when it comes to baby?

My nephew and niece always loved sleeping on their bellies. It was just what they liked and how they slept best and I never thought twice about putting them to sleep, turning off the lights and letting them get their rest. Now that I have my own baby, the thought of him sleeping on his belly without constant supervision is something I can't even think about without feeling at least a some sense of panic. The most terrifying thoughts between my husband and I and I'm sure most new parents is, of course, SIDS. Babies are taken at any moment with no explanation. With everything we know about SIDS now vs. years ago, we are really trying to abide by all the guidelines that have been proven effective. One big one is the BACK to sleep campaign. Always put your baby to sleep on their back. No blankets in bed. Naked bed, appropriately clothed baby. Keeping the temperature right-- not too cold, not too warm. These are things we live by. I am never fully sleeping and I seem to be running okay so I don't see a problem with waking up every half hour or so just to look at my son and make sure he's okay. My son hit a very big milestone a couple of weeks ago and rolled over from back to belly. Though we were beyond excited for our little guy, it made us worrisome. Will he be rolling over in his sleep?! Will he be able to roll himself back?! The worrying never stops but last night, I woke up for my usual baby check and EJ was on his belly, sleeping happily when not too long before that, he was BACK to sleep. I panicked and placed my hand on his back and he was perfectly fine and content. I'm guilty of putting him on his belly to sleep when he's having a hard time napping and it's usually effective. I am also usually glued to him though. And I mean, I will count his breaths until he wakes up. I know God has a plan for my family and there is a much greater power looking over us but I've been noticing that I am having a very difficult time relaxing when it comes to things like leaving my baby when he's sleeping, watching him constantly when he's playing by himself and enjoying tummy time, or really being offended if someone really questions my concerns. Am I being overly cautious? Can you really be overly cautious when it comes to your baby? I don't think so. Our son is literally our sun and moon, he is absolutely everything to us and whatever I need to do to protect him, I will do. With that being do I tell my mother, who has put babies on their bellies since '81 and believes it's just what babies prefer, that we would just rather not. My struggle isn't so much sharing with her our concerns, but really containing my feelings about it so I don't come out swinging at her. When it comes to my son, I can't (and really shouldn't) contain my emotions but that has lead me to come off...brash. My husband is always telling me that I'm putting an enormous amount of pressure on myself and that for my own sake, I need to trust in the plan that has been set out for us. What a journey. I definitely don't want to always feel a sense of fright and I wish I could kind of just relax, even for a bit. I'm still learning how to relax in a world where my baby exists. Is that even possible?? One day at a time I guess. In the meantime, mommy will just continue to keep her eyes on this 

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